February 10, 2025
Vicks Rapid Read Thermometer

Best Vicks Rapid Read Thermometer To Buy 2021

These Vicks rapid read thermometers pro provides you with professional accurate results in just 2 seconds.  This is really a rapid device that has the ability to provide you with hassle free results. 

Vicks speed read thermometers are a great piece of technology to work but what if the Vicks rapid read thermometer is not working. If this happens you may go for the Vicks rapid read thermometer battery replacement but for this, you should know about the Vicks speed read thermometer battery.

Vicks rapid read thermometer instructions can be found at the Vicks rapid read thermometer manual.

Features of the product

  • Very short time is needed to produce the results
  • Can be used in any of these three forms. One is the orally Second is under the arms and third is in the rectum
  • recall the memory for comparing the readings.
  • This is a bpa free product.
  • This product is water resistant.
  • The flexible tip makes the things easy
  • storage case for the protection of the thermometer is included in the package
  • The tip is flexible so that helpful in procedure
  • This is a water-resistant product
  • Temperature appears in both Celsius as well as foreign height scales.
  • The battery is pre installed.
  • Smart function to save the battery even if you forget to turn it off it automatically will. 

The usage of Vicks rapid thermometer in Rectal

The vicks rapid thermometer is designed to work in conditions where this is relatively difficult to take the temperature. Usually this happens when you are with the babies and the children of a young age. Under these conditions the safest method to apply insta rectal method than the oral method order under or the underarm method. 

Let’s look at these steps one by one

  • Prepare the thermometer
  • Prepare the patient
  • Insertion of the thermometer
  • Read the temperature
  • Care of the thermometer after use
  • Disposal of the used stuff

Let’s look at these 6 steps one by one.

Prepare the thermometer

As this is slightly a different method than usual. We first need to prepare the thermometer. Covering the thermometer probe is necessary in this method. This is something that can be easily done with the help of a prop cover. That prob cover can easily be bought from any pharmacy. 

Once you cover the probe with the cover. This is the time to lubricate it. The lubrication can be done with a water soluble jelly. Please do remember that you should not use petroleum jelly. Only the water-soluble gel is recommended.

Prepare the patient

Once done now this is the time to prepare the patient. Patients should be laid down in the proper form. In the case of young babies. The children should be laid on their stomachs. The position of the legs should be hanging around. This position can easily be obtained at the edge of a table. You may also obtain this position at the edge of a bed or even the changing table. 

The insertion of the thermometer

Now you may insert the tape into the rectum. Do remember that this process should be very gentle. Do not push the thermometer. Make a gentle move. Stop as soon as you observe any hurdle. The insertion of the tip should not be more than a half inch. 

Measurement of the temperature

The thermometer will take about 10 seconds to reach the exact temperature. once the thermometer is reached at the exact temperature it will beep. Secondly, this will also be displayed on the display screen. You will clearly see that the blinking of foreign height signs will be stopped. it appears permanently and without blinking. 

Read the temperature

Now you can easily observe the temperature but do remember that in this method that reading you get is one degree higher than the normal temperature. Or the temperature you will observe in case you use the arm or mouth method. 

Take care of the thermometer after use

Remove the cover from the probe and dispose of it properly. The thermometer should be washed properly. The procedure of the washing should be done as instructed.

vicks rapid read thermometer

Vicks rapid read thermometer battery replacement

The thermometer is equipped with the best possible piece of technology. This is the reason that the battery comes with a thermometer that has a very long life. But everything finishes one day. This is the reason that this battery needs replacement after extensive use. 

Now the question is how will you know that the battery actually requires replacement. For this, the indication will be provided by the thermometer itself. You will see this indication in the lower right corner of the display. 

The procedure of changing the battery

  1. Un cover the battery
  2. Remove the battery
  3. Replace the battery
  4. Cover the battery again
  5. Discard the old battery

Now we will look at these five steps one by one.

To uncover the battery you need to remove the battery cap. This is something that can be done by sliding the battery cap away. Once this is done now this is the time to move on to the next step.

Take a nonmetallic object. This nonmetallic object should be in that shape that can remove the battery from the battery compartment.

once the battery is being removed now is the time to install the new battery. But for this, you should know the specifications of the new battery. Two different types of batteries can be placed in it.

  • 1.55V, L41 alkaline 
  • SR41 silver oxide 

Even the equivalent batteries can also be used.

This is very important to install the battery in the proper direction. Otherwise, the battery will not be able to supply the energy to the thermometer. As this energy is not being supplied the thermometer will not work at all. For this, you need to position the battery in such a way that the positive side should face the display.

Put the battery cap back on the compartment. Do remember that this battery cap is actually installed to save the compartment from undue atmospheric effects. The most common of these atmospheric effects is moisture. Once placed make sure that it is fixed properly. So that the battery safely remains inside and at its position.

ATTENTION: THIS IS REALLY VERY IMPORTANT TO DISCARD THE OLD BATTERY PROPERLY. The young children get it and can create trouble for themselves and finally for themselves.

Lifetime warranty

This thermometer is such a great piece of technology that the manufacturer has no issue in providing a lifelong warranty. Two conditions are applied.

  • The thermometer should not be misused in any manner
  • The battery replaced should be of the property specifications.

If the problem does not occur due to the above reasons. You can call the customer services of the manufacturer or seller. They will resolve your issue. The thermometer will be replaced or repaired as per the need.

Final Words

Vicks rapid read thermometer is available at the various location and even on the CVS

Vicks rapid read thermometer covers are available to keep the thermometer safe from different problematic issues. That includes the atmospheric effects and the safety from the accidental fall or anything like that. Every thermometer is equipped with a probe cover. But if you want you can buy more from the pharmacy. These covers are easily available.

Jack Larry

My name is Jack Larry and I am a perfectionist and write this blog and a few more for perfectionists like me. Cooking is my craze and temperature maintenance is the tip to cook a perfect meal. So my gadget experience and cooking skill qualifies me to be your Thermometer Guru!

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