March 12, 2025

Braun Thermoscan 5 vs 7 | IRT 6500 vs IRT 6520

When choosing the difference between the Braun Thermoscan 5 vs 7, the primary consideration comes down to ease of use and understanding the temperature reading you recieve. Both Braun Thermoscan 5 or 7 provide excellent accuracy and a comfortable using experience for both you and your child. They both feature the patented prewarmed tip and ExacTempÂŽ measuring system to ensure a comfortable and accurate reading every time. Below you can read our Braun IRT 6520 review as well as the Braun IRT 6500 review.

The Thermoscan 7 makes understanding the temperature reading much easier by allowing you to enter the age of your child and receive a clear color coded reading in response. Consider the features of both Braun Thermoscan reviews to decide which one will meet your needs best.

Braun Thermoscan 5 vs 7

Braun Thermoscan 5

Braun Thermoscan 5 vs 7 | IRT 6500 vs IRT 6520

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The Braun Thermoscan 5 has been the number one choice of doctors for sometime for good reason. The patented pre-warmed tip ensures an accurate reading and a comfortable experience for your child. ExacTempŽ uses both a beep and a light to tell you when you have positioned the thermometer appropriately and achieved an accurate reading.
The large clear display makes it easy for you to read the temperature, and an automatic recall of the last temperature means that you’ll be able to compare temperatures without having to manually write them down.

Braun made an easier to use ear thermometer in their Thermoscan 7, so if you are not very experienced in taking a child’s temperature or if you would like this thermometer to be available for use by babysitters or others who may not be experienced, it may be worth considering the Thermoscan 7 IRT 6520 instead of the more basic Thermoscan 5 IRT 6500.

  • Features a recall of the last reading so you can compare temperatures without having to manually write them down
  • Works quickly
  • ExacTempÂŽ provides both a light and a beep alert so you can be confident of positioning the thermometer accurately
  • Pre-warmed tip for an accurate and comfortable reading
  • Doesn’t feature the Age PrecisionÂŽ technology of the Braun 7
  • Doesn’t offer color coding results for severity of fever

Braun Thermoscan 5 Specifications

  • BPA and latex free disposable lens filters
  • ExacTempÂŽ

Braun Thermoscan 5 Review

The Braun Thermoscan 5 has a patented prewarmed tip. This is important for a couple of reasons. For one thing, the warm tip will not startle or aggravate your child, so it is less likely that the experience of having her temperature taken will be unpleasant for her.

Another important aspect of this prewarmed tip is that it will not cool the temperature around it when it makes contact with the skin like non-heated thermometer tips might. This means that this Braun ear thermometer will take a more accurate temperature, and will not be skewed a few degrees cooler because of the cool tip.

Braun also utilizes an ExacTempÂŽ guidance system that tells you when you have gotten to the exact right place to measure as well as when an accurate reading has been achieved with both a light and a beep so you can be sure that you have achieved an accurate reading every time.

The disposable, certified lens filters that work with this ear thermometer prevent the spread of germs between uses. The Thermoscan 5 features a large screen and ergonomic design that make it easy to use so that you aren’t struggling to read the results. All of these features make it a first choice among doctors.

Braun Thermoscan 7

Braun Thermoscan 5 vs 7 | IRT 6500 vs IRT 6520

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The Braun Thermoscan 7 is the easiest to use ear thermometer that you are likely to find. It provides extremely accurate results and makes those results perfectly clear for even and inexperienced user. All you need to know is the age of the child you are measuring and be able to pay attention to the clear guidance by the beep and light so that you know you have properly positioned the thermometer and obtained an accurate reading.
The Braun 6520 will tell you in straightforward color-coded terms whether the child has a normal temperature, an elevated temperature, or has a worrying high temperature. You won’t need to take into consideration what temperatures are appropriate for the age of the child you are measuring, the thermometer does this for you.

If you are very accustomed to taking measurements and are happy with the straightforward and accurate readings of the Thermoscan 5 IRT 6500, the additional ease-of-use and display of this thermoscan may be frustrating to use with oversimplification and unnecessary display.

  • Provides clear color coded information about the level of fever
  • Age PrecisionÂŽ technology adjusts temperature display according to age
  • Still provides the great features loved in the Braun Thermoscan 5
  • Stores 9 temperature readings for extensive comparison
  • Night light
  • If you are already accustomed to making judgments of temperature with age in mind, this thermometer may not provide any new information for you
  • Color-coded display can be annoying for people who just want to see the temperature

Braun Thermoscan 7 Specifications

  • ExacTempÂŽ guidance system
  • Pre warmed tip
  • Age PrecisionÂŽ technology

Braun Thermoscan 7 Review

The Braun Thermoscan 7 takes measuring your child’s temperature to a new level and takes the guesswork out of checking for fevers as she ages. Research has shown that what is considered a fever and what constitutes dangerous levels of temperatures changes as a child ages.

A normal temperature in a four-year-old might be a fever in a new baby. The Braun Thermoscan 6520 features a patented design to help you determine whether a temperature is too high with Age Precision® technology. It is extremely easy to use. Choose your child’s age, measure their temperature, and use the color-coded display to understand the temperature reading based on the age of your child.

There is no more consulting with literature or trying to figure out whether a given temperature is too high. This thermometer tells you some straightforward measurements of normal, elevated, or high so that you know right away when it is time to begin worrying about your child’s fever. Braun thermometers have always been the first choice of doctors, but with this extremely easy to use design this becomes an invaluable tool in homes and daycares as well.

Even if your babysitter is not skilled in first aid or in identifying fever, this extremely easy to use ear thermometer will be able to alert any caretaker to a worrying high fever in your child. The thermoscan 7 still utilizes the ExacTempÂŽ guidance system as well as the pre warmed tip that made the Braun irt6500 such a favorite with users.

Jack Larry

My name is Jack Larry and I am a perfectionist and write this blog and a few more for perfectionists like me. Cooking is my craze and temperature maintenance is the tip to cook a perfect meal. So my gadget experience and cooking skill qualifies me to be your Thermometer Guru!

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